high traffic tiles

High Traffic Tiles

Morera durable high traffic tiles are used for the places where lots of people walk. They stand up well to heavy foot traffic because they’re scratch-resistant and don’t get stained easily.
High-traffic tiles are ideally designed for areas with significant foot traffic and vehicular movement. These tiles rank among our most popular options. They come equipped with a range of superior features including:
1.High Strength
2.Stain and Scratch Resistance
3.Super Grip
4.Low Water Absorption
Due to these attributes, high-traffic tiles are particularly fit for outdoor environments such as airport pathways, hospitals, and some other locations.

High Traffic Tiles Application Areas

High Traffic Tiles for Restaurant

High Traffic Tiles Subway

High Traffic Tiles for Parking

High Traffic Factory area

Hospital High Traffic Area

High Traffic Walk Way

High Traffic Ceramic Tile Features

Our high traffic tiles are built to last, resisting scratches and rarely breaking.

Our high traffic tiles are a breeze to keep looking new. They’re stainproof and dirt-resistant thanks to their low water absorption, less than 0.5%.

Our high traffic tiles come with UV resistance. This means they won’t lose their color even if they spend years in bright sunlight.

Our traffic tiles show off their high abrasion resistance by losing less than 144 mm3 of volume. This means they wear down slower than many other floors.

Morera High Traffic Tiles

Traffic Tiles Features

Advantages of Tiles Traffic

Traffic Tiles Benefits
